Children thrive because of our amazing regular project sponsors
All Orphans Aid International projects are funded by sponsorship, fundraising and gifts. Sponsorship is the life-blood of what we do. We fundraise hard and also run shops and an online store which help with a lot of our administration costs—but we quite simply cannot exist without consistent sponsorship.
Sponsorships can be designated to a specific project, area of need or help "where needed most". Sponsorship of a project goes to all the children in that project and not individual children. You are sponsoring the children in a whole project! We do this to keep administration costs to a minimum and also because in some places the children change regularly. We send out project updates via email and also the post to keep you informed.
Will you help with regular sponsorship?
If you can help please connect with us to discuss this, or if you are in New Zealand, simply set up an automatic payment on your internet banking—bank account details below. If you don't have internet banking, you can print and complete an Automatic Payment Form and take it to your bank. We recommend a minimum of $60 a month or $15 per week but respect your decision to sponsor any amount that is suited to you. For Credit Card donations, please see our donate page.
If you have started a sponsorship please supply us with your details below so we can be in regular contact with you and provide an annual receipt. You may prefer to make an annual or 6 monthly contribution.
Starting a regular sponsorship?
Please let us know with the form below.
Bank Account Information
When setting up your automatic regular payments, please use the following bank account details, using your name, phone number and project name as references (if you can fit them all) so we can designate and receipt your donations.
Orphans Aid International Charitable Trust
Westpac, Invercargill
Where needed most Account: 03-1750-0349476-00
Bhutan Border Sponsorship Account: 03-1750-0349476-25
India Sponsorship Account: 03-1750-0349476-25
Romania Sponsorship Account: 03-1750-0349476-02
Uganda Sponsorship Account: 03-1750-0349476-01
Ukraine Sponsorship Account: 03-0675-0471038-25